Mini laser CNC 3D Printed

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This is a Remixed version of my old CNC Laser engraver. I have made a stable version of an Arduino-based Laser CNC engraver and thin paper cutter using old DVD drives and a 250mW laser.

STL files (here)

PDF Instructions


Quantity Part Bought
1x Arduino Nano
2x 2x DVD drive stepper mechanism
2x 2x A4988 stepper motor driver modules (or GRBL shield)
1x 250mW Laser with adjustable lens
1x 12v 2Amps power supply
1x 1x IRFZ44N N-CHANNEL Mosfet
1x 1x 10k resistor
1x Male and Female Headers (4pins)
1x 2.5mm JST XH-Style
1x 2pin male connector
1x 1x 1000uf 16v capacitor Jumper cables
8x 8x small neodymium magnets
1x 1x 2pin plug in screw terminal block connector
1x Zip ties (100mm)
1x Superglue
6x 6x M3x12 screws
8x 8x M2x5 screws
1x Safety Laser Glasses